Checked-in baggage: prohibited & restricted items
If you can't find the answer here, please ask your travel agent or contact us for details of the exact requirements.
Local airport security restrictions may further limit the quantities and conditions shown below. For flights departing from USA airports see the TSA website.
Before you travel, we recommend that you visit and to check if any devices you'll be carrying have been recalled. For your safety and others, we don't carry devices that are faulty.

Quick list of prohibited items
- More than one box of matches or lighter
- Liquid oxygen systems
- Disabling devices containing an irritant or incapacitating substance, such as pepper spray
- Electric shock weapons containing dangerous goods such as explosives, compressed gas or lithium batteries
- Aerosols that are not medicinal or toiletry items
- Security type equipment - such as attaché cases, cash boxes and cash bags - that include lithium batteries, pyrotechnical material or other dangerous goods as part of the equipment
- Hoverboard, Mini-Segway, solo wheel, air wheel, balance wheel, Lithium powered skateboard or Personal transportation devices with on-board storage and similar lithium battery powered small recreational vehicles
- Installed or spare lithium batteries with ratings more than 160Wh or 8g lithium content
- Durian fruit cannot be carried, either on your person, in carry-on or in checked in luggage
Drinks and food
These are the airline safety allowances for checked-in baggage, not the customs rules for any country. If you're travelling internationally, please check the customs laws for your destination before you pack.
- Durian fruit
Allowed by airline (check the customs laws for your international destination)
- Alcoholic drinks in their retail packaging, less than 24% alcohol by volume, in containers less than 5L (no restrictions)
- Alcoholic drinks in their retail packaging, between 24% and 70% alcohol by volume, in containers less than 5L (5L per person)
- Securely sealed and safely packed liquid food, including water, juice, milk, soups and jams
- Dry food, including sandwiches, biscuits, nuts and fruit
Note: Alcoholic drinks with more than 70% alcohol by volume are not permitted. Passengers may be liable to customs duty on arrival and must check with local authorities for any duty-free allowance.
- Spare or loose batteries for medical devices, however when packed correctly they can be taken as carry-on baggage
- Liquid oxygen systems (gaseous oxygen cylinders requires approval)
- Liquid and dry medicines
- A thermometer containing mercury, medical or clinical type, for personal use and in a protective case, one per passenger
Approval required
Contact us about these items before you book.
- Lithium battery powered portable medical devices with installed batteries
- Gaseous (not liquid) oxygen or air cylinders required for medical use
Personal security, grooming, toiletries, aerosols
- Disabling devices containing an irritant or incapacitating substance, such as pepper spray
- Electric shock weapons containing dangerous goods such as explosives, compressed gas or lithium batteries
- Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas, with safety cover securely fitted over the heating element, up to one per person, no gas refills allowed
- Medicinal or toiletry articles, including aerosols and those containing alcohol (see quantities below)
- Aerosols for home or sporting use, provided they are non-flammable, non-toxic and accidental release of the contents is prevented by a cap (see quantities below)
Quantities - medicinal, toiletries and aerosols
- The combined net quantity of all medicinal articles, toiletries and aerosols must not exceed 2kg (4.4lb) or 2L (2qt), and the net quantity of each single article must not exceed 0.5kg (1lb) or 0.5L (1pt)
Approval required
Contact us about these items before you book.
- Security type equipment, such as attaché cases, cash boxes and cash bags that include lithium batteries, pyrotechnical material or other dangerous goods as part of the equipment
Batteries and electrical
Batteries and power banks can pose a safety risk when flying, so there are regulations around what you can take, and how you need to pack them. Use our quick battery guide for an overview of travelling with batteries and battery-operated devices, and to learn what you can take and what is prohibited.
You can also find specific information on travelling with lithium batteries, lead-acid batteries, or fuel cells.
Important: Baggage trackers
Battery powered devices such as baggage trackers are now able to be carried in checked baggage while still in 'on' mode provided:
- The lithium ion battery does not exceed 2.7Wh
- The lithium metal battery does not exceed 0.3g of lithium metal
Devices exceeding the above limits must be completely turned 'Off' e.g. not in sleep mode etc.
Sporting and recreational equipment
- Installed lithium batteries with ratings more than 160Wh or 8g lithium content, e.g. electric bikes, Segways, underwater lamps
- Internal combustion or fuel cell engines, even if the fuel and liquids have been drained
- Heat producing articles that are battery powered, such as underwater torches, provided the heat producing component and the battery are isolated from each other by removing one of them or a fuse; for lithium batteries see travelling with lithium batteries
Approval required
Contact us about these items before you book.
- Lithium battery powered devices with installed batteries, 100Wh to 160Wh and lithium content 2g to 8g
- Avalanche rescue backpack containing a cartridge of compressed gas
- Camping stoves with fuel containers that have contained a flammable liquid fuel
- Gas cartridges fitted into a self-inflating safety device such as a life jacket or vest
Mobility, battery-powered wheelchairs, gas-operated limbs
- Gas cylinders worn to operate mechanical limbs, non-flammable, non-toxic, including enough spare cylinders of a similar size to ensure an adequate supply for the journey
Approval required
- You must tell us about any battery-powered wheelchairs or mobility devices when you book. For information on travelling with each battery type, see services for people with wheelchairs
Tools and sharp objects
For any lithium batteries or tools containing them, see travelling with lithium batteries.
- Internal combustion or fuel cell engines, even if the fuel and liquids have been drained
- Spare or loose batteries, however when packed correctly most types can be taken as carry-on baggage
- Safely contained sharp tools and blades, such as screwdrivers, chisels and scraper blades, but not in carry-on baggage
- Blunt instruments, such as bars and hammers, but not in carry-on baggage
- Heat producing items, such as underwater torches (diving lamps) and soldering irons, battery powered, only allowed if the heat producing component and the battery are isolated from each other
- Appliances containing batteries e.g. Power tools, provided the battery terminals are insulated with tape and the on/ off switch is taped in the off position or trigger lock applied. For non-removable batteries it must be secured so that it cannot be accidentally activated
- Permeation devices for calibrating air quality monitoring equipment; only as checked-in baggage and under strict conditions, contact us for details
Approval required
Contact us about these items before you book.
- Thermometer or barometer, mercury filled, must be carried by a representative of a government weather bureau or similar official agency
Culturally and religiously significant items
- Safely contained culturally or religiously significant items, such as Mere, Patu, Taiaha, Tokotoko, Dirks, Sgian Dubhs, and Kirpans.
Find out more about travelling with culturally and religiously significant items.
Flammable, explosive, corrosive and toxic items
Nearly all flammable, explosive, corrosive and toxic items are prohibited from checked-in or carry-on baggage, including:
- Matches and safety matches
- Cigarette lighters, lighter fuel and lighter refills
- Fireworks
- Flammable liquids, such as paint, varnish, solvents, petrol
- Bleaches, peroxide, acid
- Phosphorus
- Fertiliser, weed killer, insecticide
- Non-infectious specimens such as mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects and other invertebrates packed with small quantities of flammable liquids (no more than 30ml of free liquid alcohol or an alcohol solution); specimens must be in vials or a heat-sealed plastic bag, which is contained inside another plastic bag with absorbent material, then heat sealed. The total quantity of flammable liquid must not exceed 1L
- Insulated packaging containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen (dry shipper), fully absorbed in a porous material and intended for transport, at low temperature, of non-dangerous products not subject to these dangerous goods regulations; provided the design of the insulated packaging would not allow the build-up of pressure within the container and would not permit the release of any refrigerated liquid nitrogen irrespective of the orientation of the insulated packaging
- Up to 2.5kg of dry ice (Carbon dioxide solid) for perishables can be carried in checked-in or carry-on baggage. It must be packed in a container that allows the release of gas - such as a polystyrene box. During check-in, a 'dry ice' label with either the net weight of the dry ice or an indication that there is 2.5kg or less inside, will be applied to the package.
Approval required
Contact us about these items before you book.
- Chemical agent monitoring equipment
- Security equipment, such as attaché cases, cash boxes or cash bags that operate using dangerous goods such as gas cartridges, lithium batteries or pyrotechnic material
Firearms and ammunition
Firearms and ammunition are not allowed in your carry-on baggage or in the cabin under any circumstances. But you can still travel with them both domestically and internationally in your checked bag, as long as you meet the criteria and follow our safety guidelines.
Check you meet the requirements to carry firearms and ammunition. You will then need to notify us of your intention to carry these items as soon as possible.
Security type attaché cases, cash boxes and cash bags
Approval required
Contact us for more information about these items before you book.
- Security type equipment, such as attaché cases, cash boxes and cash bags that include lithium batteries, pyrotechnical material or other dangerous goods as part of the equipment